
Configuring sql-lint to connect to your database of choice allows even more errors to come through. Errors that sql-lint wouldn’t find itself. To do this is easy, simply supply the connection details to your database in one of two ways:


sql-lint --driver="mysql" --host="localhost" --user="root" --password="hunter2"

Via File

sql-lint will search the current working directory and its parent directories for a configuration file .sql-lint.json. This allows you to have directory-local configurations for different projects. If no .sql-lint.json is found, it will fall back to the global configuration file.

A global configuration file for sql-lint can reside in ~/.config/sql-lint/config.json. It follows the XDG Base Directory Specification. Specifically, it uses $HOME/.config.

You can also manually specify a path for the config with the --config flag.

You should put the following in there for more intelligent errors to come through

    "driver": "mysql",
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "hunter2",
    "port": 3306

Configuration options

An exhaustive list of the configuration options for your config.json file are below.


The driver to be used to check for errors. Accepted ones are mysql and postgres.

Optional, default is mysql.


The host of the database server.


The user for the database server.


The password for the database server.


The port to connect to.

Optional, default is 3306.


Don’t want to be warned about a particular error? In that case add it to the ignore-errors array in ~/.config/sql-lint/config.json.

    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "password",
    "ignore-errors": [

The example above will skip checks for odd code points and DELETE statements with missing WHERE clauses.

For a full list of all available checks, see the check documentation

You cannot skip checks that are returned from the DB server itself, only the checks built into sql-lint.

Note that this option is also available as a flag on the cli. i.e.

sql-lint --ignore-errors=trailing-whitespace some-sql-file.sql

Multiple errors can be comma separated:

sql-lint --ignore-errors=trailing-whitespace,missing-where,hungarian-notation some-sql-file.sql

Example configuration

The below configuration contains every option available.

    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "password",
    "ignore-errors": [

A word of warning

Do not version control your configuration file unless you know what you’re doing. Stick it in your global .gitignore to be safe.

Editor Integration

sql-lint can integrate with any editor that supports external plugins.

Vim / Neovim


sql-lint can be integrated into (Neo)Vim with Ale.


If you want to go without a plugin, the simplest option is to run the following:

:!sql-lint %